Yoga Buzz’s Yoga Under the Stars is an innovative way to make your practice social and a memorable night out with friends. Your evening will begin with a star show, followed by yoga in a dark room with the constellations overhead. It truly is moving to be part of this experience and makes me want to find a country field to practice in.
Let me start by apologizing for the delay in sharing my lovely Tea party. Like everyone, life got a little busy with welcoming a new niece, pool parties and enjoying our stunning weather until lately. So here we are…Throwback Thursday. The only salvageable and decent way to share my party without being so outdated.
Now that I have begged for your forgiveness let’s chat about my adult tea party! In December, I inherited some vintage hats from my Grandma DiSalvo. They just had to be saved from the trash as they were a work of art. Then a few months later, I found Grandma Wester’s hat collection as my in-laws’ house, and I knew it was fate. I was rolling in 27 in the most fashionable way with an adult tea party! Read more
We are a little over one week away from the 4th of July, and it is time to start planning your fabulous menu with great eats and drinks! Don’t worry; I have your decor covered too.
Independence Day should be celebrated like any great birthday with bold patterns and playful environment to highlight the stars and stripes. My 4th of July event for you is constructed from a simple backyard BBQ. No reason to stress over the main meal, throw on some burgers, hot dogs or brats and you guest are sure to be delighted with the BBQ classics. Now turn your standard BBQ into a spectacular 4th of July with these simple dishes. Read more
Last week, Brad and I had a fantastic date night courtesy of Opera Theatre of St. Louis. We called this date night new age adulting because we were selected for the free tweet seats! The night was magical and even started with a charming picnic.
As this was my first time at the Opera Theatre of St. Louis, I was not sure what would be in store for us. What type of people attend the opera? What do they wear? Are Brad and I even adult enough to enjoy the opera?
When I am nervous on fitting in, I always go with my favorite LBD, comfy pair of shoes and a statement piece. When we arrived, I was shocked. There was a variety of ages and attire all looking to have a fun night out. Brad and I fit right in. My nerves and notions of an opera faded away, and I was looking forward to learning what attending the Opera Theatre of St. Louis was all about. Read more
Ariel, listen to me. The human world, it’s a mess. Life under the sea is better than anyting they got up there. The seaweed is not always greener in somebody else’s lake.
Today the seaweed is greener and it is the perfect time to start your Under the Sea Party to start summer and celebrate Netflix’s good news.
I don’t know if you heard, but Netflix just released all Disney movies to their streaming platform. For someone who was raised in the era of the true princesses, this is fantastic news! I plan on having Disney princess nights all year. On a beautiful summer night, I plan to do a drive through style movie night!
To kick off summer and my Princess movie obsession, Under The Sea Party, seems like the perfect fit! My Under The Sea Party is geared more towards adults, but 100% child-friendly and could be adapted for any age. To start planning, your Under The Sea Party, check out my five easy steps. Read more
Passion and purpose might land your next job! Regina Hartley, UPS Human Resource Manager, is challenging my peers in the recruitment field to think differently when reading a resume. Check out her TED Talk here. Keep reading for the quick version on how to get noticed!
A resume tells a story. And over the years, I’ve learned something about people whose experiences read like a patchwork quilt that makes me stop and fully consider them before tossing their resumes away. A series of odd jobs may indicate inconsistency, lack of focus, unpredictability. Or it may signal a committed struggle against obstacles. At the very least, the Scrapper deserves an interview.
After a few bumpy flights, I made it to Austin, Texas and the Indeed conference. The first few parts of my trip went smashing- packing, catching a plane and being kind to strangers.
Now, it is on to the challenging part, networking with a room full of strangers. I am a huge extrovert, but you heard me right….networking. No matter if you are an introvert or extrovert going into a room of unknowns and strangers is hard. Will I be dressed appropriately? Will there bar for liquid courage? Will I have anything to contribute to small chat? The worry and questions go on and on!
It is entirely normal to have concerns about networking making connections as it is not as easy as handing another preschooler a red crayon. With my 3 simple steps for successful networking though you think it was.
3 steps for successful networking
Truly amazing parties have a touch of homemade to make them unique! Creating your tissue paper tassel garland is an easy way to class up any party. By making your tissue paper tassel garland, you can create any color combo, length or designs you need for your perfect party.
For today’s tissue paper tassel garland, I will be selecting colors from an upcoming adult tea party. The colors are gold, teal and a pale pink to accompany a playful banner of tea party prints. Read more
I am proud to introduce my first of many one stop events. Onederland-girl 1st birthday party is the perfect 1st birthday party for your little girl. Below are pictures from my Onderland party which highlighted my book collection, finger foods, and pearls.